Monday, 18 October 2010


Monday 18th - Start collecting photographs and images from all members of group to work with, scanning and editing of chosen images. Started promo film, take more film clips and edit film to be 2min.

Monday 25th - Decide on font, lay out, chapters, colour, headers, Title of the book, front covers for both sides. ( the book switches in the middle, so will have to front covers, one for Piccadilly and one with Dover street).
Work out how much of each members work will go into the book to make sure its equal.

Monday 1st - Collate all pages to work out how many pages we will have for the book, to take to
the printers for a price evaluation. Find the cheapest printers. start to print off development of layout.
Book going from Day time in Piccadilly to night time in piccadilly (switches upside down in the middle) then to night time in dover street to day time in dover street.

Monday 8th - Lay out book: images next to text, make sure it runs smoothly through out, (day - night - night - day).
start to print off development of layout. Edit Film footage, upload to the start of the Original film.
promotional ad for book, make sure it sells the book, and advertises the exhibition in Carnaby street.

Monday 15th - Make any vital changes and edits. Collect money from each member for the printing of the book next week!!

Monday 22nd - have work ready to print for Friday 26th November. Take final work to Printers, back up onto cd x2

Monday 29th - HAND IN!! project due!


  • Emma - Photography, Image editing, film editing, layout.
  • Issey - Illustration/painting, layout
  • Tom - Text, write up, index, filming, layout, press release
  • Lucy - Photography, illustration, filming, layout
  • Neda - Photography, filming, layout
  • Niya - interview write ups, press release, layout
  • Francis - Animation, illustration, interview write ups, layout
  • Min - illustration, layout.

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